
Février 2012.

We arrive at Loiyangalani, the capital of the Turkana tribe.

Women wear funny hairstyles, dark clothes and wide necklaces, quite different from the one's of their Samburu neighbors.

We spend the evening in a small campsite under coconut trees, an oasis amid the desert.

We meet a friendly group of English.

They spend a week in the area as part of a humanitarian project organized by their parish.

In the late afternoon, the boys decide to go fishing.

The lake is supposed to be infested with crocodiles but it seems that in this area there are none !

They are soon joined by other children who start fishing as well, just with a piece of wire and a hook.

The sun is setting and still no fish on the side of the carbon fishing rods.

But near by, it is a big game fishing party !

Enguerrand ends up saving the honor of the family by catching this strange fish that once outside the water swells like a balloon !

But it is not edible and we put it back into the water.

At the end of the contest, the boys offer their fishing rods to the winners, delighted. What a great afternoon !

Fortunately, Matthieu had bought 2kg of Nile perch fillets for dinner.

It was daring because the presentation lacked care!

Deep fried, it's a real treat.

The evening is so hot that children end up sleeping out in the open.

We head north towards the Ethiopian border.

Human presence is becoming scarce before disappearing completly.

We bivouac on a large desert plateau and seek some shade under a thorn.

But Charlotte approaches it a little too close and gets hurt on the eyelid: it will end with a nice black eye !

We quitted civilisation several days ago, and our stock of bread is gone.

As we approach the border, the track almost disappears, giving way to vague lines in the savannah. Thank you GPS.

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