
June 2011.

We cross the U.S. border without any problems and customs are very friendly.

We are now in Arizona.

No doubt we are in the USA!

We discover the American supermarkets.

Heaps of meat, ice cream sold by gallon, and the possibility to taste the fruits before buying.

We use for the first time our hammocks in a beautiful forest on the hills of Tucson.

Children play in identifying animals and their tracks using a small booklet purchased at the Visitor Center.

Here a print of a mule deer.

There, scat of a coyote ...

It is good to take rest after crossing Central America, and the kids have the time to use a block of clay purchased in ... Peru !

We take the time to do schooling seriously.

The three little ones are already working on next year program, Tugdual is on schedule to complete his and Agathe is working hard to catch up in math.

Béatrix, who is doing well in reading, is playing the mistress and is reading the spelling exercice of Tugdual.

Sagaro National Park is located about twenty miles from Tucson.

These gigantic candelabra cactus can reach 40 feet and live 200 years.

Delicacy in the middle of a rather aggressive environment.

In the evening we sleep at a campsite in the park.

There is nobody to register, but we must place the amount for the night in an envelope and put it in a box provided for that purpose.

And no one thinks to cheat: The Americans are great .

But camping in the middle of the cactus is not without risk, and Charlotte learns it at her expense!

At lunch time everyone try to protect himself from the sun !

The conquest of the West is not far, and in a small village, children play with old carts.

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